When considering either divorce or marriage, you may have come across the term prenuptial agreement. Often, prenuptial agreements are associated with extremely wealthy couples and high-profile divorces. However, prenuptial agreements can be utilized by people from all walks of life.
Much of the conversation revolving around prenuptial agreements can often be negative. This may lead people into thinking that these legal instruments are irrelevant or not useful to them in any way. Importantly, this is not the case. Prenuptial agreements may be of great benefit to some couples. As a result, it is important to address some common questions on the topic.
Do prenuptial agreements mean the marriage starts on a bad footing?
Prenuptial agreements are commonly equated with feelings of mistrust. Nonetheless, the opposite is frequently the case. Having such instruments in place before the commencement of a marriage can mean that a couple are more honest and open in their financial planning and conversations.
Aren't prenuptial agreements only for the wealthy?
Due to the media coverage of high-profile divorce cases, couples are often led to the opinion that prenuptial agreements are only for the wealthy. Crucially, this is not the case. Prenuptial agreements can benefit anyone who has assets and interests that they wish to protect.
Don't prenuptial agreements make divorce more complicated?
Another common myth is that prenuptial agreements lead to more messy divorces surrounded by conflict. However, the reverse is often the case. Prenuptial agreements can mean that key issues are already settled before the divorce procedure starts. This can result in a more efficient process as well as a reduction in anxiety and stress.
Understanding the fundamentals of prenuptial agreements could benefit you. If you are contemplating divorce in New York, then it is important to know that you are legally protected.
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